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![["An unidentified supporter shakes hands with Senator John D. (Jay) Rockefeller after he is sworn into office at the Senate Swearing-In Ceremony."]%](/thumb/136210/0.jpg)
109. Photograph of an unidentified supporter shaking hands with Senator Rockefeller after he is sworn into office.
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![["Two unidentified supporters chat with Senator John D. (Jay) Rockefeller after the Senate Swearing-In Ceremony."]%](/thumb/136211/0.jpg)
110. Photograph of supporters chatting with Senator Jay Rockefeller after the Senate Swearing-In Ceremony.
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![["Senator John D. (Jay) Rockefeller speaks with an unidentified supporter after the Senate Swearing-In Ceremony."]%](/thumb/136212/0.jpg)
111. Photograph of Senator Rockefeller chatting with an unidentified supporter following the Senate Swearing-In Ceremony
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![["Senator John D. (Jay) Rockefeller shakes hands with an unidentified supporter after the Senate Swearing-In Ceremony."]%](/thumb/136213/0.jpg)
112. Photograph of Senator Rockefeller shaking hands with a supporter after being sworn into office
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![["Senator John D. (Jay) Rockefeller embraces two unidentified supporters after being sworn into office."]%](/thumb/136214/0.jpg)
113. Photograph of Senator Rockefeller embracing two supporters at the Senate Swearing-In Ceremony
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![["Senator John D. (Jay) Rockefeller shakes hands with an unidentified supporter at the Senate Swearing-In Ceremony."]%](/thumb/136218/0.jpg)
117. Photograph of Senator John D. (Jay) Rockefeller shaking hands with a supporter at the Senate Swearing-In Ceremony
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![["An unidentified supporter shakes hands with Senator John D. (Jay) Rockefeller at the Senate Swearing-In Ceremony."]%](/thumb/136219/0.jpg)
118. Photograph of a handshake between a supporter and Senator Rockefeller following his Senate Swearing-In Ceremony
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![["Senator John D. (Jay) Rockefeller and his wife Sharon greet unidentified supporters at the Senate Swearing-In Ceremony."]%](/thumb/136223/0.jpg)
120. Photograph of unidentified supporters greeting Senator Rockefeller and his wife at the Senate Swearing-In Ceremony
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