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![["Senator John D. (Jay) Rockefeller, Sharon Rockefeller, and unidentified supporters pose for a photo following the Senate Swearing-In Ceremony."]%](/thumb/136095/0.jpg)
49. Photograph of Senator Rockefeller posing with a supporter following the Senate Swearing-In Ceremony
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![["Senator John D. (Jay) Rockefeller and Sharon Rockefeller shake hands with unidentified supporters after the Senate Swearing-In Ceremony."]%](/thumb/136096/0.jpg)
50. Photograph of Senator Jay Rockefeller shaking a supporter's hand following the Senate Swearing-In Ceremony
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![["Senator John D. (Jay) Rockefeller and Sharon Rockefeller speak with unidentified supporters after the Senate Swearing-In Ceremony."]%](/thumb/136097/0.jpg)
51. Photograph of Senator Rockefeller, his wife, and supporters after the Senate Swearing-In Ceremony
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![["Senator John D. (Jay) Rockefeller greets a smiling young supporter following his Senate Swearing-In Ceremony."]%](/thumb/136098/0.jpg)
52. Photograph of Senator Rockefeller greeting young supporters after his Senate Swearing-In Ceremony
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![["After his swearing-in, Senator John D. (Jay) Rockefeller shakes hands with an unidentified supporter."]%](/thumb/136099/0.jpg)
53. Photograph of Senator Jay Rockefeller shaking hands with a supporter after his Swearing-In Ceremony
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![["Unidentified supporters greet Senator John D. (Jay) Rockefeller at the Senate Swearing-In Ceremony."]%](/thumb/136102/0.jpg)
56. Photograph of supporters, Senator Rockefeller, and his wife Sharon at the Senate Swearing-In Ceremony
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![["A group of unidentified supporters talk with Senator John D. (Jay) Rockefeller and his wife Sharon at the Senate Swearing-In Ceremony."]%](/thumb/136103/0.jpg)
57. Photograph of a line of supporters greeting Senator Rockefeller and his wife at the Senate Swearing-In Ceremony
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![["Senator John D. (Jay) Rockefeller shakes hands with an unidentified supporter at the Senate Swearing-In Ceremony."]%](/thumb/136104/0.jpg)
58. Photograph of a supporter shaking hands with Senator Rockefeller at the Senate Swearing-In Ceremony
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![["Former Senator from West Virginia Jennings Randolph stands with two unidentified individuals at the Senate Swearing-In Ceremony of Senator John D. (Jay) Rockefeller."]%](/thumb/136106/0.jpg)
59. Photograph of former senator Jennings Randolph with two supporters at the Senate Swearing-In Ceremony
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![["Senator John D. (Jay) Rockefeller and two unidentified supporters pose for a photograph at the Senate Swearing-In Ceremony."]%](/thumb/136105/0.jpg)
60. Photograph of Senator Rockefeller and two supporters at the Senate Swearing-In Ceremony
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