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![["A colorful geometric quilt hangs behind a photocopier on a wall in Senator John D. (Jay) Rockefeller's office."]%](/thumb/151769/0.jpg)
37. Photograph of a colorful geometric quilt hanging in Senator Rockefeller's office
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![["Senator John D. (Jay) Rockefeller's National Intelligence Distinguished Public Service Medal award hangs on a wall in his office."]%](/thumb/151770/0.jpg)
38. Photograph of Senator Rockefeller's National Intelligence Distinguished Public Service Medal
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![["Japanese characters hang on a wall in Senator John D. (Jay) Rockefeller's office."]%](/thumb/151773/0.jpg)
40. Photograph of Japanese characters hanging on a wall in Senator Rockefeller's office
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![["The state seal of West Virginia hangs on a wall in Senator John D. (Jay) Rockefeller's office."]%](/thumb/151780/0.jpg)
45. Photograph of the state seal of West Virginia hanging on a wall in Senator Rockefeller's office
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![["A painting hangs on a wall in Senator John D. (Jay) Rockefeller's office."]%](/thumb/151781/0.jpg)
46. Photograph of a painting of some military members hanging on a wall in Senator Rockefeller's office
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![["A life vest hangs on a wall in Senator John D. (Jay) Rockefeller's office. The plaque reads: \"Senator John D. Rockefeller IV, For all you do for our State and Nation on behalf of the employees of Mustang Survival Mfg. Inc. Ellizabeth, WV\"."]%](/thumb/151782/0.jpg)
47. Photograph of a framed life vest hanging on a wall in Senator Rockefeller's office
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![["\"Iraq: April 2003 During Operation Iraqi Freedom, the 459th Engineer Company (Multi-Role Bridge Company), an Army Reserve unit from Bridgeport, West Virginia, lays a bridge across the Diyala River under enemy fire for the spearhead units of the I Marine Expeditionary Force. The bridge enabled the Marines to cross the river and enter Baghdad.\""]%](/thumb/151783/0.jpg)
48. Photograph of a plaque hanging on a wall in Senator Rockefeller's office
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