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![["Senators John D. (Jay) Rockefeller and Kelly Ayotte speak during a Commerce Committee hearing."]%](/thumb/151463/0.jpg)
109. Photograph of Senators Rockefeller and Ayotte speaking at a Commerce Committee hearing
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![["Senator John D. (Jay) Rockefeller chairs a Commerce Committee hearing."]%](/thumb/151464/0.jpg)
110. Photograph of Chairman Rockefeller watching during a Commerce Committee hearing
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![["Chairman John D. (Jay) Rockefeller and Senator Kelly Ayotte speak at a Commerce Committee hearing."]%](/thumb/151465/0.jpg)
111. Photograph of Chairman Rockefeller and Senator Ayotte speaking at a Commerce Committee hearing
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![["Senator John D. (Jay) Rockefeller speaks at a Commerce Committee event."]%](/thumb/151474/0.jpg)
113. Photograph of a Senate Commerce Committee press event where Senator Rockefeller speaks
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![["Senator Barbara Boxer speaks at a Commerce Committee hearing. Behind her, a staffer holds a poster board with an image of an airport tower."]%](/thumb/151476/0.jpg)
115. Photograph of Senator Boxer speaking at a Commerce Committee press event
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![["Senators John D. (Jay) Rockefeller and Harry Reid speak at a Commerce Committee press event."]%](/thumb/151477/0.jpg)
116. Photograph of Senators Rockefeller and Reid at a Commerce Committee press event
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![["Senator John D. (Jay) Rockefeller chairs a Commerce Committee hearing."]%](/thumb/151478/0.jpg)
117. Photograph of Chairman Jay Rockefeller sitting at a Commerce Committee hearing
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![["Senator John D. (Jay) Rockefeller shakes hands with a person after a Commerce Committee hearing on concussions and the marketing of sports equipment."]%](/thumb/151479/0.jpg)
118. Photograph of Senator Rockefeller shaking hands with a woman after a Commerce Committee hearing about concussions
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![["Senator John D. (Jay) Rockefeller takes his seat before a Commerce Committee hearing about concussions and the marketing of sports equipment."]%](/thumb/151481/0.jpg)
120. Photograph of Senator Rockefeller taking his seat at a Commerce Committee hearing on concussions
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