Search Results

["Senator John D. (Jay) Rockefeller whispers to Senator John Boozman during a Commerce Committee hearing."]%
["Senator John D. (Jay) Rockefeller chairs a Commerce Committee hearing."]%
["Senator John D. (Jay) Rockefeller speaks during a Commerce Committee hearing."]%
["Senator John D. (Jay) Rockefeller speaks during a Commerce Committee hearing."]%
["Senators John D. (Jay) Rockefeller and John Boozman sit at a Commerce Committee hearing."]%
["Senator John D. (Jay) Rockefeller at a Commerce Committee hearing."]%
["Senator John D. (Jay) Rockefeller holds a report in the air during a September 2012 Commerce Committee hearing."]%
["Senator John D. (Jay) Rockefeller speaks during a Commerce Committee hearing."]%
["Chairman John D. (Jay) Rockefeller flips through some papers before a Commerce Committee hearing."]%
["Senator John D. (Jay) Rockefeller chairs a Commerce Committee hearing."]%
["Senator John D. (Jay) Rockefeller chairs a Senate Commerce Committee hearing."]%
["Chairman John D. (Jay) Rockefeller and Senator Kelly Ayotte speak at a Commerce Committee hearing."]%
["Senator John D. (Jay) Rockefeller and Kay Hutchison speak during a Commerce Committee hearing."]%
["Chairman John D. (Jay) Rockefeller sits at a Commerce Committee hearing."]%
["Senator John D. (Jay) Rockefeller chairs a Commerce Committee hearing."]%
["Senator John D. (Jay) Rockefeller chairs a Commerce Committee hearing."]%
["Carte Goodwin speaks at the Swearing-In Ceremony for Senator Manchin."]%
["CArte Goodwin, the temporary Senator from West Virginia, speaks at Senator Joe Manchin's swearing-in ceremony."]%
["Captain Wright testifies before the Senate Commerce Committee."]%
["A man identified as CWO Pickett testifies before the Senate Commerce Committee."]%
["Blanchette Rockefeller (center) standing with two guests of Governor Jay Rockefellers at the Governor's Mansion on inauguration day."]%
["Blanchette Rockefeller being escorted to the dais by an officer shortly before the inauguration of her son, Governor Jay Rockefeller."]%
["Senator John D. (Jay) Rockefeller gestures to someone during a hearing about health care reform legislation in the Senate Finance Committee."]%
["This photo was taken from a corner of Senator John D. (Jay) Rockefeller's personal office."]%
["This color photograph shows several senators including Senators Robert C. Byrd and John D. (Jay) Rockefeller and former Senator Jennings Randolph stand together in a room outside the Senate to celebrate Senator Byrd's birthday."]%
["This photo shows the Chief of Staff's office within Senator Rockefeller's office."]%
["This photograph shows the conference room in Senator John D. (Jay) Rockefeller's office."]%
["This photo shows the back of a conference room in Senator John D. (Jay) Rockefeller's office."]%
["This photo shows the conference room in Senator John D. (Jay) Rockefeller's office."]%
["This shows a conference room in Senator Rockefeller's office."]%
["This photo from behind the witness bench at a Commerce Committee shows Senators John D. (Jay) Rockefeller and Kay Hutchison sitting in their seats."]%
["This photo shows Senator John D. (Jay) Rockefeller's office."]%
["This photograph was taken from a distance, but shows Senator John D. (Jay) Rockefeller speaking at a Staggers Rail Reform press event in a Senate building."]%
["Three Rockefeller family photographs hang on a wall in Senator John D. (Jay) Rockefeller's office."]%
["The \"Legacy Memorandum: Freight Rail Industry and Surface Transportation Board\" details Senator John D. (Jay) Rockefeller's work on national rail policy as it relates to the Surface Transportation Board (STB), captive shippers, and the freight rail industry."]%
["The \"A Record of Achievement for West Virginia: Energy and Environment Issues (Legacy on Energy, Environment and Coal Miners)\" memorandum details Senator John D. (Jay) Rockefeller's contributions to federal policy related to energy, environment, coal miners, and mine safety. The memo covers the Coal Industry Health Benefit Stabilization Act of 1989, the passage of the Coal Act in 1992, and additional legislation related to mine improvement and safety. It includes a timeline of Rockefeller's years as governor of West Virginia and as a U.S. senator."]%
["The \"A Record of Achievement for West Virginia: Diversifying West Virginia's Economy for the 21st Century (Your Legacy Memo on Jobs and Economic Growth in West Virginia)\" memorandum provides an overview of Senator John D. (Jay) Rockefeller's accomplishments in the area of jobs and economic development in West Virginia. It outlines Rockefeller's efforts in diversifying West Virginia's economy; encouraging new high technology industry growth; helping West Virginia's industries and businesses become more competitive; building a strong tourism industry; attracting new federal operations to the state; and advocating for federal resources to aid the state."]%
["\"A Record of Achievement for Children, Families, and Students Memorandum\" details Senator John D. (Jay) Rockefeller's contributions to federal policy related to children, families, and education. It includes information about the National Commission on Children; Earned Income Tax Credit and the Child Tax Credit; child welfare; welfare reform; and education policy."]%
["The 2014 Rockefeller family holiday card reads, \"May all the joys of this holiday season be yours throughout the new year.\" Pictured are Jay, Sharon, John, Emily, Laura, Sophie, John VI, Charles, Justin, and Indr Rockefeller, and Valerie, Steve, Percy, Lucille (Lucy), and Davison (Davis) Oliver Wayne.The back reads, \"Paid for by Friends of Jay Rockefeller.\" Photographs by Florence McCall."]%

1739. 2014 Rockefeller family holiday card

Media Type: Holiday Cards
["The 2013 Rockefeller family holiday card reads, \"Have a joyous holiday season.\" Pictured are Jay, Sharon, John, Emily, Laura, Sophie, John VI, Charles, Justin, and Indr Rockefeller, and Valerie, Steve, Percy, Lucille (Lucy), and Davison (Davis) Oliver Wayne. Photographs by Florence McCall."]%

1740. 2013 Rockefeller family holiday card

Media Type: Holiday Cards
["The 2012 Rockefeller family holiday card reads, \"Wishing you joyous holidays and a happy new year.\" Pictured are Jay, Sharon, John, Emily, Laura, Sophie, John VI, Charles, Justin, and Indr Rockefeller, and Valerie, Steve, Percy, Lucille (Lucy), and Davison (Davis) Oliver Wayne. Photograph by Florence McCall."]%

1741. 2012 Rockefeller family holiday card

Media Type: Holiday Cards
["The 2011 Rockefeller family holiday card reads, \"Wishing you happy holidays and a joyous new year.\" Pictured are Jay, Sharon, John, Emily, Laura, Sophie, John VI, Charles, Justin, and Indr Rockefeller, and Valerie, Steve, Percy, Lucille (Lucy), and Davison (Davis) Oliver Wayne. Photographs by Tracey Attlee LLC."]%

1742. 2011 Rockefeller family holiday card

Media Type: Holiday Cards
["The 2010 Rockefeller family holiday card reads, \"We wish you a happy holiday. May the joy of the season fill your hearts with goodwill and cheer.\" Pictured are Jay, Sharon, John, Emily, Laura, Sophie, John VI, Charles, Justin, and Indr Rockefeller, and Valerie, Steve, Percy, Lucille (Lucy), and Davison (Davis) Oliver Wayne. Photographs by Tracey Attlee LLC."]%

1743. 2010 Rockefeller family holiday card

Media Type: Holiday Cards
["The 2009 Rockefeller family holiday card reads, \"May the peace and beauty of the holiday season be with you throughout the coming year. From our family to yours.\" Pictured are Jay, Sharon, John, Emily, Laura, Sophie, John VI, Charles, Justin, and Indr Rockefeller, and Valerie, Steve, Percy, Lucille (Lucy), and Davison (Davis) Oliver Wayne. Photographs by Tracey Attlee LLC."]%

1744. 2009 Rockefeller family holiday card

Media Type: Holiday Cards
["The 2008 Rockefeller family holiday card reads, \"May the holidays bring happiness and joy to you and your loved ones.\" Pictured are Jay, Sharon, John, Emily, Laura, Sophie, John VI, Charles, Justin, and Indr Rockefeller, and Valerie, Steve, Percy, and Lucille (Lucy) Wayne. Photographs by Tracey Attlee LLC."]%

1745. 2008 Rockefeller family holiday card

Media Type: Holiday Cards
["The 2007 Rockefeller family holiday card reads, \"May your holidays be filled with precious moments.\" Pictured are Jay, Sharon, John, Emily, Laura, Sophie, John VI, Charles, Justin, and Indr Rockefeller, and Valerie, Steve, Percy, and Lucille (Lucy) Wayne. On the back is an outline of the family with names indicated. Photographs by Tracey Attlee LLC."]%

1746. 2007 Rockefeller family holiday card

Media Type: Holiday Cards
["The 2006 Rockefeller family holiday card reads, \"During this time of celebration our family wishes you a joyful holiday season. From our family to yours.\" Pictured are Jay, Sharon, John, Emily, Laura, Sophie, Charles, Justin, and Indr Rockefeller, and Valerie, Steve, and Percy Wayne. Photographs by Tracey Attlee LLC."]%

1747. 2006 Rockefeller family holiday card

Media Type: Holiday Cards
["The 2005 Rockefeller family holiday card reads, \"From our family to yours.\" Pictured are Jay, Sharon, Justin, Charles, John, Emily, Sophie, and Laura Rockefeller, and Valerie and Steve Wayne. Photographs by Tracey Attlee LLC."]%

1748. 2005 Rockefeller family holiday card

Media Type: Holiday Cards
["The 2004 Rockefeller family holiday card reads, \"Warmest greetings from our family to yours.\" Pictured are Jay, Sharon, Charles, Justin, John, Emily, Laura, and Sophie Rockefeller, and Steve and Valerie Wayne. On the back is an unofficial seal of the United States Senate. Photographs by Tracey Attlee LLC."]%

1749. 2004 Rockefeller family holiday card

Media Type: Holiday Cards
["The 2003 Rockefeller family holiday card reads, \"Warmest greetings from our family to yours.\" Pictured are Jay, Sharon, Charles, Valerie, Justin, John, Emily, Laura, and Sophie Rockefeller. On the back is an unofficial seal of the United States Senate. Photographs by Tracey Attlee LLC."]%

1750. 2003 Rockefeller family holiday card

Media Type: Holiday Cards