Search Results

["Senators and Congressmen gather at a joint session of the Commerce Committee."]%
["Members of the House and Senate join together for a joint Commerce Committee."]%
["Senators John D. (Jay) Rockefeller and Joe Manchin sit with Representative Rahall at the 150th birthday celebration for West Virginia."]%
["Senator Tom Carper and Representative Rahall speak at the 150th birthday celebration for West Virginia."]%
["Representative Nick Rahall speaks at the 150th birthday celebration for West Virginia."]%
["A woman speaks at the 150th birthday celebration for West Virginia."]%
["Some of West Virginia's Congressional delegation holding an award at the state's 150th birthday celebration."]%
["Senator John D. (Jay) Rockefeller cuts the West Virginia birthday cake during the state's 150th birthday celebration."]%
["Senators John D. (Jay) Rockefeller and Joe Manchin hold pieces of cake during the 150th birthday celebration for West Virginia."]%
["Representative Nick Rahall stands with three industry leaders at a Welcome to Washington luncheon."]%