Search Results

["Senator John D. (Jay) Rockefeller chairs a Commerce Committee hearing."]%
["Chairman John D. (Jay) Rockefeller sits at a Commerce Committee hearing."]%
["Senator John D. (Jay) Rockefeller and Kay Hutchison speak during a Commerce Committee hearing."]%
["Senator John D. (Jay) Rockefeller chairs a Commerce Committee hearing."]%
["Senator John D. (Jay) Rockefeller holds a report in the air during a September 2012 Commerce Committee hearing."]%
["Senators John D. (Jay) Rockefeller and John Boozman sit at a Commerce Committee hearing."]%
["Senator John D. (Jay) Rockefeller speaks during a Commerce Committee hearing."]%
["Senator John D. (Jay) Rockefeller whispers to Senator John Boozman during a Commerce Committee hearing."]%
["North Las Vegas Fire Chief Al Gillespie testifies at a Commerce Committee hearing titled \"Safeguarding Our Future: Building a Nationwide Network for First Responders.\""]%
["Congressman Peter King testifies before the Senate Commerce Committee hearing titled \"Safeguarding Our Future: Building a Nationwide Network for First Responders.\""]%
["Delaware Governor Jack Markell testifies at a Commerce Committee hearing titled \"Safeguarding Our Future: Building a Nationwide Network for First Responders.\""]%
["Delaware Governor Jack Markell and North Las Vegas Fire Chief Al Gillespie testify at a Commerce Committee hearing titled \"Safeguarding Our Future: Building a Nationwide Network for First Responders.\""]%
["New York City Police Commissioner Raymond Kelly testifies at a Commerce Committee hearing titled \"Safeguarding Our Future: Building a Nationwide Network for First Responders.\""]%
["President Barack Obama shakes hands with a member of the Air Force during a visit to the U.S. Capitol Building."]%
["President Barack Obama poses for a photograph with members of the Air Force during a visit to the U.S. Capitol Building."]%
["Representative Peter King testifies at a Senate Commerce Committee hearing titled \"Safeguarding Our Future: Building a Nationwide Network for First Responders.\""]%
["Representative Nick Rahall stands with three individuals at a Welcome to Washington luncheon event."]%
["Representative Nick Rahall stands with three industry leaders at a Welcome to Washington luncheon."]%
["Rochelle Goodwin speaks with a BB&T executive at a Welcome to Washington luncheon."]%
["Senator Max Baucus is briefed by an adviser during a Finance Committee hearing about health care reform."]%